I enthusiastically second the recommendation to try out Bear Tooth Pass... awesome!
Room 215
JoinedPosts by Room 215
Any suggestions for a 'quick' tour of Yellowstone National Park??
by AudeSapere in.
i know the park is huge and i won't have much time there, but in a couple of weeks i will have a day or a day and a half to explore this part of the country.. i will be busy at big sky resort for a few days and leaving from bozeman on tuesday.
that leaves all day monday and possibly part of sunday to explore.. does anyone have any suggestions for maximizing my free time in yellowstone?
Awake Nov 2012 Posessions
by Listener infrom the current awake.
"in order to be admired, some people flaunt their designerwear or other fancy belongings.
in one asian land, for example,.
Room 215
Foir the BG, who enjoy the perks of wealth from the many gifts and handouts from the wealthy among their adoring, well-heeled brethren, the "appropriate" amount is zero!
Rumor Elders Will Receive Name Badges For Every Meeting.
by HelpMeBelieve ini keep hearing rumors elders are going to be getting permanent badge cards to wear to every meeting.
one excited brother told me, "it would be nice if new ones to the kingdom hall could see who their shepherds are.
there is a great surge in activity, new bible students will be able to locate the proper elder in charge of bible studies!
Room 215
... nightmarish.....
Room 215
In my view, the "Jehovah this" and "Jehovah that" overuse has the opposite of its intended effect: it cheapens and trivializes it.
Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 09-02-2012 WT Study (TRUE FREEDOM)
by blondie intrue freedom.
law that belongs to.
what is true freedom?
Room 215
"What is the original Greek word; why is the WTS so bashful? Not even a reference to a Bible Greek lexicon."
Blondie: It appears the WT, despite having published The Kingdom Interlinear Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures and Benjamin Wilson's Emphatic Diaglott, recently began a push to keep JWs away from the orginal Biblical as one component of its "simplification" (read dumbing down" campaign. It seems to be a newly enforced policyof theirs never to identify the Greek or Hebrew words directly in print.
Is "Gog of Magog" Satan?
by leaving_quietly infor as long as i can remember, eze 38 was, and still is, an end-times prophecy about how satan would come up against jws because jws would be "dwelling in security" (ez.
38:14) after all the other religions are destroyed.
this is pretty much the most terrifying chapter in the bible for me, understanding it as jws do.
Room 215
some very interesting commentary on the Gog and Magog subject: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gog_and_Magog
GB will do your research for you, just sit back and absorb
by irondork ini know a statement like this has appeared in the literature but i cannot find it.
searching this forum, i am unable to find a conversation on it.. .
it's out there somewhere.
Room 215
Fernando, I've noticed how the WT, when it curretnly refers to Greek or Hebrew words, does so indirectly and not by specific identification as they once did in their articles and talk outlines (i.e. "cosmos", "oklumene" "nephesh", "pysche", "porneia", etc.)...
It seems they consciously want to steer readers away from delving into the original languages... strange for an organization that published as many as 850,000 copies of the Kingdom Interlinear Translation Of The Christian Greek Scriptures as recently as 1985, not to mention the Emphatic Diaglott... remember these?
By the way, the Interlinear is something of a collectivle item, offered occasionally on ebay for abut $40 or so.
She refused to Return His Calls After a First Date, Then in Rage, He Rants Out, Very Revealing
by Scott77 innb: this is internet re-post lindsay mannering's article.
enjoy reading.
comments (538)|likes (81)if ever there was a reason to hide under the covers with a box of wine and swear off menfor good, this might be it.
Room 215
Boy, I'd love the get the movie rights to this...... A restraining order seems likely to be in Lauren and Mike's future
My nine grievances against the Society from BEFORE I had ever visited a single apostate website...
by cedars ini mentioned on a recent thread by irondork that my wife recently showed me a handwritten list of grievances i had against the society from before i had ever visited a single apostate website (apart from wikipedia).
the thread is below:.
Room 215
As I said in your previous thread: In theory, the "light getting brighter" concept implies that, as focus on a particular verse progresses, the explanation would progress from the more ambiguous to the more defined, or specific... in most instances ... as in the current "overlapping generation" it's quite the contrary: the older explanation is supplanted by a more vague one. ... the King off The North/King of The South business is another example
The Makeweight Scenario - my way of explaining the increasing light doctrine
by cedars inmany of you will remember when i first joined this forum i shared some reasoning with you related to "increasing light" and the logic that led to my personally abandoning it as an explanation for why the society repeatedly makes errors and failed predictions in its publications.
i call it the "makeweight" scenario, and one or two have asked if i can launch a new thread for the benefit of new ones who may not have heard of it before.. i explain things on my latest blog article on the link below, but for those who would like to read just the part about the makeweight scenario, here is the part of my blog article that discusses the concept of increased light (slightly edited to separate it from the article).. is the light getting brighter?.
we are constantly informed in the society's publications that any errors in books or magazines from years gone by are due to the light getting brighter.
Room 215
In theory, the "light getting brighter" concept implies that, as focus on a particular verse progresses, the explanation would progress from the more ambiguous to the more defined, or specific... in most instances ... as in the current "overlapping generation" it's quite the contrary: the older explanation is supplanted by a more vague one. ...